#i don't need death threats
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simonwoodbine 4 months ago
The Existential Dreadniks - By Their Fruit Shall Ye Know Them - 1950s Co...
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shalom-iamcominghome 2 months ago
I love talking to rabbis as a recent conversion student because the interaction goes something like, "you're converting? Now?! At this time, at this moment in history?!". And they always talk about this influx of jewish convert students they've seen recently, and it's like...
There's this level of respect I get from rabbis for converting at this point in time, but... Has there ever been a good time to be a jew in the last thousand years or so plus? I'm imagining that rabbis and jews in general back in 1492, back in 1290, back in 1349 would have said the exact same thing. So, really, there is only a time to be a jew. Maybe it's not a "good" time, yes, but it is a time. And to me, that's good enough
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crackedhrglass 6 months ago
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i got this ask on my strawpage and was gonna type it up in my notes app and post it to twitter, but i really couldn't figure out a way to say it concisely, so i'm answering it here bc it's prob gonna be long lol.
do i think stancest is actually canon? simply put, no. despite how often i'm like "STANCEST IS CANON!!" i truly don't think that AH and the writers intended stan & ford's relationship to be seen through an incestuous lens.
their relationship is def the heart of the show, second only to dipper & mabel's own bond. they are the center of each other's worlds, their story & character arcs revolve almost entirely around each other, and their happy ending is literally the two of them sailing off into the sunset to spend "the rest of their days" together (ford says this almost word-for-word in journal 3).
but i still don't think all of that was meant to be taken romantically.
in my opinion, where things start to get a little weird is, surprisingly enough, ford's relationship with bill.
the rest is under a cut bc HOLY SHIT this got longer than i expected.
there's no denying that bill was written to deliberately parallel stan in a number of ways, from his mannerisms, to his conman status, to the fact that he calls ford the same name stan did when they were kids.
he's written in a very intentional way that makes him serve as both stan's parallel and his foil, especially in their respective relationships to ford (bill feeds into ford's ego and encourages him to aspire for greatness alone, stan has always been a direct obstacle & challenge to ford's ego, accidentally ruining his chances at WCT & encouraging him to live out their childhood dream together; bill valued infinite power over his own family and destroyed his dimension as a result, stan valued his family over everything, and saved ford and his dimension as a result).
normally, this wouldn't be that big of a deal to a stancest shipper like myself. but as the book of bill & the accompanying website all but confirmed in big, flashing neon lights, ford & bill have a romantic history and are exes.
having the two people closest to ford be compared to one another is one thing. having ford be drawn to bill because of how similar he is to the brother he secretly misses is one thing.
having ford be romantically involved with said character is what makes me raise an eyebrow lol.
again, do i think ford is literally a brocon who's got repressed sexual/romantic feelings for stan?
i do, however, think he has unresolved Brother Issues that led him to subconsciously find comfort in a romantic partner that reminded him of stan (right down to bill calling him stan's nickname for him) in much the same way a person with "daddy issues" may seek out affection & intimacy from someone who reminds them of their father (or is just "fatherly" in general).
that much, i believe, was actually intentional. it's just too blatant to not be lol. it'd be a completely different story if either
bill & stan were nothing alike (untrue) or
ford & bill's relationship was strictly platonic and didn't have any romantic implications (also untrue)
i've said this before, but this isn't just a case of "oh, ford fell in love with someone who just coincidentally reminds him of his brother." bill's use of the nickname "sixer" during their first encounter was a deliberate attempt at appealing to a part of ford that was repressed, vulnerable, and aching, in order to get ford's guard down and make it easier for ford to trust him, and it worked.
billford is a ship that, to put it bluntly, would not exist without ford's buried feelings for stan, even disregarding shipping/incest/etc. ford's desire to be close to stan even platonically is what allowed bill to needle his way into ford's heart in the first place.
and all of this wouldn't be that weird if, again, bill hadn't continued to feed into ford's longing for stan even after they'd established a romantic relationship, by still calling him "sixer" and trying to permanently sever the relationship he had with stan specifically, once he and ford broke up (the phone call he tried to make while in ford's body that was described in tbob).
to put it another way, imagine if wendy was basically an older, taller mabel, or if any of mabel's crushes were eerily similar to dipper. people in the fandom would def take notice and view it as a little strange. so i don't get how people can look at ford dating someone so blatantly and intentionally similar to stan and think to themselves "ah yes, this is normal. ford is completely Normal and definitely doesn't have any underlying issues whatsoever" lmao
to conclude: no, i don't think ford & stan's relationship is actually canonically romantic, nor do i think ford falling in love with bill was incestuous, necessarily.
but i do think that he had a desperate longing to reconcile with stan buried DEEEEEEP down, and it manifested itself in the form of being attracted to bill, which is probably why he never bothered correcting bill's use of the nickname "sixer" since their very first meeting, or ever expressed that it made him uncomfortable.
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epickiya722 2 months ago
Seeing a shipper of a certain ship post how they got death threats for being realistic about BakuDeku not becoming canon and celebrating that their ship became "canon" as payback is absurd to me.
Like... no... that is not the flex you think it is...
I don't condone sending death threats (especially, over fictional ships), but I also don't think flaunting around the fact you got death threats is okay either.
"My ship is canon." Is it though? I wouldn't say so. As I said in another post for a different fandom, some people really forgotten that the word "implied" exists.
I wouldn't say that ship is canon. They dapped each other up for crying out loud. They didn't kiss, they didn't even hug. Those two characters? Didn't even hug?! Are you kidding me? And I don't even recall the word "date" being used except for when Kuroiro and Kinoko were mentioned.
If you're going to say it's "realistic" (which I don't think that word really should apply to a manga where someone can shoot tape from his elbows) that BakuDeku didn't become canon, then shouldn't have been "realistic" that your ship was way more visually romantic given the reputation Shonen mangas tend to have with M/F ships?
Other than that, I wouldn't say that they're "canon".
Anyone can do a handshake like that with someone else without having romantic context behind it, so I wouldn't be celebrating "Yay, I got threats by these shippers and their ship isn't canon"!
Pfffft, like that's gonna stop the fact that BakuDeku are still going to make art, write fics, post edits, write analysis posts, make playlists and so on and so forth. The ship wasn't canon then! It doesn't have to be canon to be enjoyed.
I said it before but come 2025, certain shippers need to know not to tag with the main ship tag because then it is clear you're just looking for attention.
If you want to talk hate about BakuDeku or any ship, don't tag it at all.
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phoenixiancrystallist 1 year ago
It never ceases to amuse me when I check out a new follower to make sure they're not a pornbot and in either their description or their pinned post they have "proshippers DNI." You interacted first, my guy. This shit goes both ways.
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formulaonedirection 5 months ago
"His last move was a fuck you to the team that damaged his health and reputation. Isn't that so poetic" For a team that was trying to push him out in 2018, favoured his rookie teammate over him, lied to his face multiple times about getting a seat on the main team and is now responsible for his mid-season firing. Ok. We're getting a bit ridiculous here.
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twobellsilence 3 months ago
hot take but k/yo d/ir en g/rey is overrated. i said what i said
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froganni 11 months ago
Maybe a little overly serious approach to the situation, but y'all have GOT to be more respectful towards the creators you watch and consume content for. fWhip's message about getting a lot of hate is honestly abysmal.
Like, don't get me wrong, I love lore-related series! I think they're a lot of fun and I love watching them.But give non-lore series a chance! They're also a lot of fun!
These creators are all responsible adults who are very capable of creating boundaries for themselves and deciding amongst themselves what rules they want to follow when joining a project.
Obviously, there are many viewers and community members who this isn't directed at. :D
Please don't send hate to anyone, it's not helpful. If you don't like something, don't engage with it. Just leave it at that. Show respect to the community you're apart of, and to the creators that head it.
(It's fine to be annoyed with something and talk about it, but don't force a creator to see that negativity. It's not benefiting anyone.) The more hate a creator gets, the less they engage with and organize fun things for the community. Please remember to be kind.
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beevean 1 year ago
I always find the debate around critiquing others' work to be an interesting one myself. Yes, of course it sucks to face backlash for something you've worked hard on, and the internet is a vicious place... but on the other hand, (presumably at least some) people are paying Netflix or a TV network to see this. Same with IDW: the three people who buy each new issue are paying actual money for it. And thus it is not unreasonable to be allowed to request at least some standards in the product that are actually worth that money, in my opinion.
It intrigues me because on the internet, creators and consumers are closer than ever. Consumer backlash reaches the creator far more easily, but so do their protests about this backlash vice versa.
This is why I hate how present on the internet creators are nowadays, to the point that they could accidentally find random ass people complaining on Twitter because of the algoritm
I'm reminded of Sam Deats somehow finding a random artist saying something like "all the people who worked on Nocturne should be fired because it sucks so much" and getting genuinely angry, retorting that it's not fair to wish unemployment on hard working artists... and most importantly plastering the OG Tweet for all of his fans to see. No. I should be allowed to be a bit hyperbolic in my space. It's actually creepy to imagine that my rantings could be found by a showrunner, and so I need to censor myself.
Aside from that, I'm appalled by how unprofessional creators are nowadays. The other day I remembered Flynn who literally said "this is a story for children, if you are an adult and you're unsatisfied with my writing go read another book" as a response to backlash, yesterday I complained about Kyle being sarcastic and passive aggressive in saying "oh, of course Flynn is getting death threats, that's Sonic discourse for you smh", now there's this hired animator who is like "why are you hurting my feelings like this :< pls don't be a meanie :< I only had half a year to work on this 30 sec sprite animation :<". Guys! You are professionals! You are not randos on the Internet! People pay you for your services, whether they are writing, animation or being supposed "lore managers"! Act like it, for fuck's sake! Stop getting into petty discourse, do your job, accept the criticism! You don't see Iizuka and Kishimoto crying on Twitter because some people trashed Frontiers, do you?
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hylianengineer 8 months ago
Alright, anon asks are going bye-bye.
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queerstudiesnatural 1 year ago
people my brain has offed in a nightmare to make me grieve for no reason:
- two of my former professors whom i grew up with and who are now some of my closest friends/parent figures
- my brother
- my uncle
- my grandfather
- my grandmother
- my dad
- a few online friends
- a lot of random people that i felt responsible for somehow
the thing about having hyper realistic nightmares every night is i get to have so much trauma that's not even real but is also very real because i lived it (and keep reliving it) in dreams :)
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mostofthingsmostofthetime 9 months ago
Just finished the show a few days ago, so that's why I'm only just posting this now.
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#also yes PB is problimatic but so are a lot of the other characters & i don't care#lady reinacorn would probably be higher in her category if i understood what she was saying but unfortunately i don't#tier list#adventure time#adventure time tier list#magic man is where he is because he became normal man otherwise he'd be in the last category#cinnamon bun is only where he is due to his character growth in the flame kingdom before that he would have been in the meh category#lsp is where she is coz i actually find her funny#hope tier 3 lemongrab is meant to be the 3rd version because I like him the best out of all the lemongrabs#sweet pea wasn't on there but i would probably put him before or after fern#root beer guy is only where he is because I like what they did with him when he got resurrected#speaking of which cherry sods should be on here to & if she was I'd probably place her before him#as her reaction to his death & resurrection was super interesting#just realised that starchy isn't on here either i think I'd place him before mr pig#on reflection I'd put the cosmic owl in the 3rd category after prismo#i haven't watched distant lands or fiona & cake yet so please no spoilers#tiffany is where he is because i find him funny even though he is always hating on my boy finn#upon reflection I actually find amo quite interesting (still annoying though)#with his desperate need to be loved without the ability to give it in return#& how no amount of affection would probably ever have been enough#like talk about depressing#on second thought i'd actually put Grob/Gob/Glob Grod in the cool powers but lack of personality category#ash actually belongs in the worst category coz how he gonna do my girl marcy like that#& Jake's alien dad should actually be in the crazy threat category#coz he straight up travels to different dimensions to make kids so he can drain them of their powers & then leave them to die#& wanted to do the same to his grandkids like that's some next level evil#recardio should really have is own category as while he is kind of threat (he did kidnap finn & jake & beat up lady that one time)#his just not scary like people in the crazy threat category are (more just creepy/weird/gross & annoying)
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pandapear-art 4 months ago
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I have been working on a comic for school featuring my boy Diego's disaster life for the better part of the past three months and it's almost finished and I am HYPE. In celebration, have some shitposts.
First page will be released this Saturday!
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wawhii 1 year ago
Being able to say "this is fucking stupid" and move on from something on the internet has been instrumental, but oh my god it's still such a pain in the ass to think about it nonstop for the next 20 minutes
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thefloatingstone 1 year ago
Do all your homies blow up Ashley?
Honestly yeah. I did keep her alive in one playthrough but she never really outgrows her "mean girl bully" vibe for me... plus I missed Kaidan and his cringefail ways :( it feels wrong not having the big idiot along for the ride. He's important to me.
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st-dionysus 2 years ago
The thing some of you don't understand is that offline, I am a respected community activist. I have been paid to do public seminars on trans issues, trans history, and transandrophobia. I have built self-help groups with my blood, sweat, and tears. My real name has been in the newspapers, newsletters, and journals. I am not a keyboard activist. Just because I'm smart enough to not share my name, face, and political actions online, doesn't mean all I do is post on Tumblr.
I post on Tumblr because it's easier to share academia with people through posting then attempting to shove journal articles and flyers at random people. I post here because there is a large community of transgender men that I can supply with information that would otherwise not be easily accessible to them.
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